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HIFA Blog: Month in Review, May 2020 - More on Coronavirus and the cancer of misinformation

Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Quote of the month: “I honestly don’t think that we are past the peak of fake information. As long as the population is not well informed they will continue to believe fake information.” Kenny Garmendia, HIFA member, Medical doctor at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Combating digital health inequality in the time of coronavirus

Date: Friday, June 12, 2020
In April 2020 HIFA collaborated with the International Federation of Library Associations (special interest group Evidence for Global and Disaster Health and the Health & Biosciences Libraries section) to complement a webinar on Thursday 23 April, 2020, on the theme of Combating digital health inequality in the time of coronavirus. In the 2 weeks leading up to the webinar, HIFA hosted a thematic discussion on the theme of the webinar. 

New paper: Universal access to essential health information

Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The HIFA Steering Group is delighted to announce the publication in BMJ Global Health of our new paper (open access):   Universal access to essential health information: accelerating progress towards universal health coverage and other SDG health targets authored by three HIFA steering group members (Geof Royston, Chris Zielinski and Neil Pakenham-Walsh).  The paper highlights the following points:

BMJ Global Health: HIFA members comment on 'Defining global health as public health somewhere else'

Date: Saturday, May 16, 2020
Congratulations to HIFA members Sara Fischer, Poorva Patil, Chris Zielinski, Lori Baxter, Francisco Javier Bonilla-Escobar, Shabina Hussain, Claudia Lai, Sarah Walpole, Francis Ohanyido, David Flood,  Ambrish Singh and Najeeb Al-Shorbaji - who have co-authored a piece in BMJ Global Health, based on recent HIFA discussions. Commentary: Is it about the ‘where’ or the ‘how’? Comment on Defining global health as public health somewhere else  Summary points:

HIFA Blog: Month in Review, Feb-Apr 2020 - Coronavirus and the cancer of misinformation

Date: Friday, May 1, 2020
Quote of the month: “The cancer of misinformation continues to spread and metastasize... It is a pervasive and growing threat to global health, driven by increased connectivity and social media. It is not just coronavirus, it is a problem across all areas of health” (HIFA coordinator Neil Pakenham-Walsh, UK) “Antibiotics are effective in treating the new coronavirus”. “Herbal remedies and other drugs can help treat the new virus”. “New coronavirus only affects older people”.

HIFA discussion to support IFLA webinar: Combating digital health inequality in the time of coronavirus

Date: Monday, April 13, 2020
Coronavirus has highlighted as never before how being online is crucial to our lives. Those who most need support (including older and socially disadvantaged people) are least likely to be online. Community organisations, including libraries, have a crucial role in building digital inclusion and digital health literacy.

HIFA's first systematic review: How primary healthcare workers obtain information for safe prescribing in LMICs

Date: Friday, April 10, 2020
We are delighted to announce the publication in BMJ Global Health of our first systematic review: How primary healthcare workers obtain information during consultations to aid safe prescribing in low-income and lower middle-income countries.

HIFA Blog: Month in Review, January 2020 - What is global health?

Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Quote of the month: "Since we didn't know at the time that a particular sneeze in Wuhan can have a serious impact in Ouagadougou or London, there is probably a good operational argument for not making a distinction between "public health" and "global health" at all” (HIFA steering group member Chris Zielinski, UK)

BMJ editorial: Healthcare information for all

Date: Saturday, February 29, 2020
Our editorial 'Healthcare information for all', co-authored with Fiona Godlee (Editor-in-Chief, BMJ), has just been published in The BMJ. This editorial was prompted by the recent official statement on 'Healthcare Information For All' by the World Medical Association, which represents more than 10 million doctors worldwide.

HIFA Annual Review 2018

Date: Thursday, February 27, 2020
Here is the (belated) HIFA Annual Review for 2018. Thanks to all our members and volunteers for your ongoing support.  


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