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Open Access: Perceptions and misconceptions

Date: Thursday, July 11, 2019
The HIFA working group on Access to Health Research is delighted to announce our upcoming sponsored HIFA thematic discussion: OPEN ACCESS: PERCEPTIONS AND MISCONCEPTIONS The discussion starts on 22 July and will last for 4 weeks. The main discussion will be on HIFA (English) and we shall also hold parallel discussions on CHIFA (child health and rights), HIFA-Portuguese, HIFA-French, HIFA-Spanish and HIFA-Zambia. Here are some of the questions and myths we'll be exploring:

HIFA appeal and local event - teaching children about health

Date: Sunday, July 7, 2019
HIFA launched its fundraising appeal on 14th March at the HIFA office in Charlbury, UK.  A total of 15 individuals are now giving regularly to HIFA through a monthly standing order, raising nearly £3,000 per year. Those who have agreed to be named are listed on our Donate page (see Personal donations 2010-2019): 

HIFA Blog: Month in Review, April 2019 - Traditional birth attendants

Date: Friday, June 21, 2019
Quote of the month: “To mandate only skilled persons to take deliveries in a world with severe shortage of human resource in health, puts pregnant women at more risk during delivery”. (HIFA Steering Group member Joseph Ana, Africa Centre for Clinical Governance Research and Patient Safety, Nigeria)

Didier Demassosso represents HIFA at the Pan-African Health Conference, Yaounde, Cameroon, 8-10 April 2019

Date: Friday, May 17, 2019
HIFA Country Representative Didier Demassosso (a former winner of CR of the Year) helped to organise, facilitate and present at the Pan-African Health Conference in Yaoundé, Cameroon: Addressing health challenges of rural and marginalized African communities. Didier focused his presentation on HIFA and the role that accessing and making available health information has in empowering populations everywhere and especially in rural areas to have good health. 25 participants decided to become HIFA members and are now participating on the HIFA-English and HIFA-French forums.

WHO-HSG-HIFA Collaboration: Empowering Community Health Workers to accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage

Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2019
WHO-HSG-HIFA Collaboration: Empowering Community Health Workers (CHWs) to accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage

HIFA Survey Report

Date: Saturday, May 4, 2019
The results of the HIFA members survey (HIFA-English) are now available!

HIFA Blog: Month in Review, March 2019 - Ebola

Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Quote of the month: "No stone must be left unturned in the fight against Ebola, because as the West Africa epidemic showed, no nation is safe until DR Congo is free of Ebola virus disease." (HIFA Steering Group member Joseph Ana, Africa Centre for Clinical Governance Research and Patient Safety, Nigeria)

Jackeline Alger, Honduras: HIFA Country Representative of the Year 2018

Date: Monday, April 15, 2019
(Spanish below, Español abajo) On behalf of the HIFA Steering Group, we are delighted to announce the winners of our HIFA Country Representative of the Year awards.

HIFA Appeal launch, 14 March 2019: Five presentations by HIFA members

Date: Saturday, April 6, 2019
The five short presentations by HIFA members are now available on YouTube here 1. Neil Pakenham-Walsh (HIFA Coordinator): Introduction to HIFA (18 mins) (sous-titré en français)  

Membership of HIFA Forums, Jan-Dec 2018

Date: Sunday, February 24, 2019
HIFA continues to grow steadily and total membership is now more than 19,000. The largest forums continue to be the main HIFA forum (English), CHIFA (English), and HIFA-Portuguese. HIFA-French and HIFA-Zambia continue to grow. In November 2018 we launched HIFA-Spanish in collaboration with WHO, PAHO and the WHO Collaborating Centre at the Andalucian School of Public Health. HIFA-Spanish is our fourth language and aligns with our strategic commitment to multilingualism. See the PDF below for further details.


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