Support the HIFA Appeal!

Help secure a future where people are no longer dying due to lack of healthcare information

"The work of HIFA is critical on our journey towards Health for All. HIFA is a really important platform through which we can share information and tools, connect with each other, support each other, and move far more rapidly to strengthen health services globally, especially in low- and middle-income countries. I support HIFA and encourage others to do the same." Dr Tracy Eastman, Director of Practical Approach to Care Kit, University of Cape Town & British Medical Journal

A message from Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA founder and coordinator:

Please consider making a financial contribution to HIFA as we urgently need to raise funds to manage our increasing workload in 2025. 

HIFA now has 20,000 members interacting on six forums in four languages. Key achievements in 2022-2024 have included:

1. In January 2022 the World Health Organization approved our application to become a non-state actor in official relations. This is an amazing recognition of the value of our work, and places us alongside large NGOs such as Médecins Sans Frontières, Oxfam, International Council of Nurses and World Vision International. 

2. We successfully several new HIFA Projects 

3. We completed a global consultation for the World Health Organization.

We have done all this - and more - thanks to your support. 

We now need your help to secure our work in 2025 and beyond.

Can you help? With your personal (or organisational) donation, we would be one step closer to achieving Healthcare Information For All. 

Please donate today! With your help, we will achieve the HIFA vision: a world where every person will have access to the healthcare information they need to protect their own health and the health of others

Please donate here

Thank you for your support.

(When payment is received, HIFA will send you a personal thank you with the option to include your name or organisation on the HIFA website or remain anonymous.)

Thank you.

Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator

On behalf of the HIFA Steering Group

"HIFA is increasingly highly regarded and profoundly important. It is very unlikely that we would be as aware and informed as we are about the different developments and upcoming challenges without the vital network that HIFA has become."
Mark Lodge, Director, International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research