WHO: Hooking the next generation: how the tobacco industry captures young customers (9) Protecting children from tobacco industry interference (2)

29 May, 2024

Dear colleagues, [*see note below]

In the following link: https://youtu.be/XL2QUca0zvc I want to share with you the message from Daniel Dorado, Director of the Tobacco Control Program at Corporate Accountability (US). Daniel reports on how the tobacco industry works to reach children, how they attempt to undermine the International Tobacco Control Treaty (the WHO-FCTC) and he also demands that these industries could be held legally responsible for their abuses.

Do you believe that the tobacco industry should be legally responsible for the damage caused in our countries?

Do you have any examples of countries that have legally demanded reparation for the damage to health caused by tobacco companies?

We look forward to your responses.

Kind regards,


*Dr. Eduardo Bianco*

*Director, Addiction Training Program for Health Professionals (ATHP)*

Email: ebianco@nextgenu.org

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HIFA profile: Eduardo Bianco is a medical doctor and Cardiologist, Certified Tobacco Cessation Expert with a Masters in Prevention and Treatment of Addictive Disorders. Currently, he is Chair of the World Heart Federation Tobacco Expert Group. Dr. Biancos research examines tobacco control and cessation, and he is a prominent member of several organizations that address tobacco control in Latin America. Dr. Bianco has worked for 25 years in Uruguay and Latin America to promote and train in smoking cessation treatment and tobacco control policies. He is also the former Regional Coordinator for the Americas of the Framework Convention Alliance and former Technical Director of the MOH Center for International Cooperation for Tobacco. ebianco AT nextgenu.org

[*Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): Thanks Eduardo. All: NextGenU.org and HIFA are collaborating to promote awareness and discussion around the theme of this year's World No Tobacco Day. The above is the second of three short videos that NextGenU.org has produced in the past fews days. HIFA is also promoting this on our social media channels and, of course, the HIFA forums. If *you* are a HIFA supporting organisation and would like to collaborate with HIFA on a World Health Day, please get in touch! neil@hifa.org ]