Our organisation, Christian medical missions and Surgeries for little lives
I trust this email finds you well. Greetings from Mbarara, South-western Uganda. It is such a privilege and honour to be part of this great platform.
*May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace' Numbers 6:24-26*
I am glad to share with you our locally based, community based organisation called ' *Doctors on Mission International*' which unites Christian medical teams (Doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacies among others) with an aim of spreading God's word through medical missions and medical fellowship. We are led by the knowledge of Christ and the missions to heal the sick. '*And also I heard the Voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I Send, and who will go for us? The said I, Here I am, send me' Isaiah 6:8*
Our organisation works with local communities in south western Uganda to increase access to medical and surgical surgical care to resource limited communities as we preach God's Word through medical missions. You can read more about our work here: doctorsonmissionint.org
We work with surgeons in the ' *Surgeries for littles lives project*' aimed at addressing the unmet need for paediatric surgery in such communities.
You can find out more here:
Our projects have met over 100 communities and operated over 400 children with life saving surgeries.
Doctors on Mission international would like to invite you to be part of this great movement by supporting us to advance this great vision. I am sure, '*He who began the good work in us will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ' Philippians 1:6*
We also run a volunteer program for medical professionals in Uganda with an aim of providing an avenue for professionals to give back to Resource-limited settings in our communities. You can read more of this program here: https://www.doctorsonmissionint.org/volunteer-for-africa.html
We have held successful medical and surgical camps in Uganda and met over 100 communities with the Love of Christ and the healing of cities and communities. You can read about our previous work here:
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Hab 2:14
Don't hesitate to write back to us in case of any questions, concerns or discussions.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Dr Paul Mulyamboga,
Doctors on Mission International,
P.O.Box 421315, Mbarara-Uganda.
Tel: +256782524317
HIFA profile: Paul Mulyamboga is a Team Leader at Doctors On Mission International, Uganda. Professioal interests: Community Medical Healthcare; Charity Medical Outreach; Training. Email: paulmulyamboga1994 AT gmail.com