Zakiuddin Ahmed

Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement and Safety

Zakiuddin Ahmed is a strategist, healthcare entrepreneur, coach, mentor and a visionary physician leader who specializes in fostering collaborations to create socially beneficial & innovative solutions in Healthcare utilizing information technology with a Patient Centric Focus.  His main areas of expertise include Digital Health, Patient Safety, Health esearch, & Healthcare Leadership. His leadership positions include: Adjunct Professor Digital Health, HSA; Managing Editor, Journal of Healthcare Quality & Safety; Editor, “BMJ Open Quality Riphah Pakistan Edition”; Secretary, Health Research Advisory Board; Founder & Executive Coach, Institute of Innovation Leadership in Medicine (IiLM); Chairman, International Conference on Patient Safety (ICPS); Director, Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety; CEO, Digital Care; Country Representative, HIFA . 
zakiuddinahmed AT