M. R. Murali Prasad is UK Commonwealth Fellow 2012; enlisted person in US Marquis Who's Who in the World 2018 and 2019, Country Representative for HIFA 2015 - a UK Network and a member in BoS, DLIS, Osmania University since 2018. He is currently working as a Librarian in Centre for Economic and Social Studies – an ICSSR Institution, Hyderabad. He has 18+ years of experience in Library and Information Services as a Librarian. He published 3 Books and more than 60 articles/papers/chapters in various international and national journals; and also in books. Under his supervision 8 M.Phils were awarded and 5 Ph.D. scholars are pursuing their research at present. He is Managing Editor for IJLIS; and Editor for PEARL Journal which is listed in UGC. He is also a reviewer for IFLA Journal, SAGE OPEN and many journals. He is also associating with many universities like Osmania, Dr. BRAOU, IGNOU, etc. as a resource person. He delivered lots of lectures in various LIS training programmes and workshops. He had been to UK, USA, Thailand and Malaysia on various LIS programmes. His areas of interests are Information Literacy, Lib 2.0, ICT applications in Library services, Digital Library and Knowledge Management. He is life member of ILA, IASLIC, ALSD, Indian Red Cross Society, etc. He can be contacted at: mrmp2k8 AT yahoo.com