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World Meningitis Day

26 September, 2024

Dear HIFA Administrator

Subsaharan Health Solutions Nigeria Limited announces a webinar to celebrate World Meningitis Day on '*Navigating Life Post Meningitis: Challenges and Solutions. Building After Care Services'. *Please register to join this stimulating webinar on Defeating Meningitis. Webinar will be held on the 3 October at 2pm West African Time / BST. I have already sent the invite to CHIFA and I am sending the invitation to you to post to HIFA


Kind regards,

Dr Ekundayo Ajayi-Obe

The World Health Assembly approved the 'Defeating meningitis by 2030 global road map in 2020. The road map sets a comprehensive vision for 2030 with three visionary goals:

1. Elimination of bacterial meningitis epidemics.

2. Reduction of cases of vaccine-preventable bacterial meningitis by 50% and deaths by 70%.

3. Reduction of disability and improvement of quality of life after meningitis due to any cause.

Five interconnected pillars have been constructed to achieve these goals and include:

1. Prevention and epidemic control focused on the development of new affordable vaccines, achievement of high immunization coverage, improvement of prevention strategies and response to epidemics.

2. Diagnosis and treatment, focused on speedy confirmation of meningitis and optimal management.

3. Disease surveillance to guide meningitis prevention and control.

4. Care and support of those affected by meningitis, focusing on early recognition and improved access care and support for after-effects from meningitis, and

5. Advocacy and engagement, to ensure high awareness of meningitis, consideration into countries' plans, and increase the right to prevention, care and after-care services.

Dr Ekundayo Ajayi-Obe

HIFA profile: Dayo Ajayi-Obe is a Consultant in Hammersmith in the U.K. eajayiob AT gmail.com