What works? Integrating gender into government health programs in Africa, South Asia and SouthEast Asia

25 April, 2022

Hello Neil, Here are the details of the Gender & Health HUb Project of the UN University I had wanted to share with participants in the HIFA Forum: Thanks,Esha RC,Canada

Gender & Health Hub - Knowledge, Policy, Action

Open Call -Make a submission

New Project

12th April 2022

What works? Integrating gender into government health programs in Africa, South Asia and SouthEast Asia

To further advance on the gains made in improving health outcomes and gender equality, particularly given the setbacks due to COVID-19, it is critical to take stock of how gender has been integrated into large scale health programs to generate learning supporting policy transfer across regional contexts

Project aim: to create an evidence-base of critical factors that led to successful gender integration in government health programmes at regional or national level through an analysis of between 8-10 cases

The regions involved are Africa, South Asia, and South-East Asia

Stage 1 has started with an open call for submissions [ https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=3Yr8uZFfzEGmyPACFOAd... ]

to identify potential case studies, the deadline for submissions is 15 May 2022. Before you make a submission read the details of the call. https://www.genderhealthhub.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Call-for-prom...

Details : Analysing successful cases of gender integration into government health programmes


HIFA profile: Esha Ray Chaudhuri is an Equity Analyst, in Canada. Professional interests: Equity Issues in Health and Health Care with particular focus on interface of Local and Global contexts. She is a member of the WHO-HIFA Catalyst Group on Learning for quality health services. https://www.hifa.org/projects/learning-quality-health-services Email address: ed.consult3 AT gmail.com