Dear Friends,
I’m thrilled to share the news that we’ve published *THREE new posters*!
These have taken over a year to create, and we’ve had the wonderful involvement of schoolchildren in Kenya as part of our team.
Click the links to download for free the double sided posters best printed on A3.
We’re so pleased to see how many people are downloading our posters—our HIV poster alone has reached people in *143 countries*!
If you believe that children can play a role in promoting health and preventing illness, please take a moment to check out our resources and share the links with colleagues and practitioners who might find them useful.
The posters are designed for educators, parents, youth workers, religious leaders, community groups, and both non-government and government agencies. We also have storybooks on many topics and teachers' guides on nutrition and eye health and mental health. Again, all co-created with experts, partners and allies and children.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on the posters and any ideas you might have for completing our series of 10 key health topic posters—just two more to go!
Thank you so much, and best wishes,
Clare Hanbury
HIFA profile: Clare Hanbury is director of Children for Health. She qualified as a teacher in the UK and then worked in schools in Kenya and Hong Kong. After an MA in Education in Developing Countries and for many years, Clare worked for The Child-to-Child Trust based at the University of London's Institute of Education where, alongside Hugh Hawes and Professor David Morley she worked to help embed the Child-to-Child ideas of children's participation in health – into government and non-government cchild health and education programmes in numerous countries. Clare has worked with these ideas alongside vulnerable groups of children such as refugees and street children. Since her MSc in International Maternal and Child Health, Clare focused on helping government and non-government programmes to design and deliver child-centered health and education programmes where children are active participants. Clare has worked in many countries in East and Southern Africa and in Pakistan, Cambodia and the Yemen. In July 2013, Clare founded the NGO, Children for Health and develops health education materials and and works on health education programmes alongside partners all over the world.