Webinar. "World Suicide Prevention Day (Assessment of Risk)" CPD Points Available

14 September, 2023

The Free Webinar hosted by the WCEA, AfroPHC & WONCA Africa will be held in English.

Webinar title: World Suicide Prevention Day (Assessment of Risk)

Date: Thursday, 21st September 2023

Time: 3pm Central Africa Time (CAT)

CPD Points: 1


• Share resources and stories.

• Promote suicide prevention awareness.

• Reduce factors that increase risk.

• Increase factors that promote resilience.

Speaker: Miss Abena Otchere-Darko (BSC’ MGHIG’ CPMC’ MWAIMM’ PD. CIIA’ PD.CSM)

Register NOW in the WCEA App or Join the Webinar platform from here:



Kind regards,

Alexander Montgomery

The World Continuing Education Alliance

