PAHO/WHO Equity, Health and Human Development - Lista Equidad
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The State of Social Inequalities in Health in the Americas in the COVID-19 scenario
Cuándo/When: 24 de agosto del 2022 | 24 August 2022
Hora/Time: 10:00 a 11:30 a.m. (EDT)
Inscripción /Registration:
Interpretación simultánea/Simultaneous interpretation: Español, English, Lenguaje de señas
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Health Equity Network of the Americas (HENA) announce the launch of the Webinar Series 2022-2023: Health Equity and Social Justice in the Americas and extend a cordial invitation to participate in the first webinar in this series, on the State of Social Inequality in Health in the Americas in the COVID-19 scenario. This webinar will address the situation from a triple regional perspective: socio-epidemiological, socio-economic and civil society. The webinar will consist of three presentations, followed by a session of collective dialogue and reflection on the regional challenges for health equity and social justice in the post-pandemic scenario.