Webinar: Consortium of Universities for Global Health: Virtual Global Health Education: Approaches & Advances

12 September, 2023

Sep 14, 2023 8am PST/9am MST/11am EST

Join experts from across the globe representing diverse applications of virtual global health education and information dissemination. In order to scale capacity and access to health education and global health exposure, virtual approaches are increasingly utilized. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, many in-person activities were halted, requiring innovation in virtual approaches. In the aftermath of travel restrictions, virtual approaches have become much more mainstreamed and acceptable. This webinar will discuss approaches for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), simulated public health peer exchanges, virtual health professions education, and Health Information for All (HIFA). Discuss the creative use of cell phone technology, email, information dissemination, virtual interfaces, classroom and applied learning.

Dr. Danish Ahmad, Population Health Lecturer and Global Health Researcher School of Medicine and Psychology College of Health and Medicine Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Co-creator of I-PELICAN Dr. Ro Mcfarlane Head of Public Health Discipline University of Canberra, Australia Co-creator of I-PELICAN

Hope Windle, Director, COIL Center State University of New York (SUNY), United States

Dr. Neil Pakenham-Walsh, MB,BS Coordinator, Healthcare Information For All (HIFA) Director, Global Healthcare Information Network, United Kingdom

Dr. F. Akiiki Bitalabeho, Assistant Professor and Head of the Godley-St. Goar Department of Community Health University for Global Health Equity, Rwanda MODERATOR Dr. Jessica Evert Global Medical Director Child Family Health International (CFHI), United States




Jessica Evert MD

Global Medical Director, Child Family Health International

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HIFA profile: Jessica Evert is Global Medical Director, Child Family Health International, USA.