Quality health care for children (4)

2 July, 2021

Dear CHIFA colleagues,

What are the drivers of good quality care for children?

A few months ago we shared a paper on CHIFA from Global Health: Science and Practice: https://www.hifa.org/dgroups-rss/human-resources-health-related-challeng...

CITATION: Nancy Bolan et al. Human resources for health-related challenges to ensuring quality newborn care in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. Global Health: Science and Practice February 2021, https://doi.org/10.9745/GHSP-D-20-00362

The paper identified challenges to providing quality facility-based newborn care as 10 categories:

1. Lack of HRH data and monitoring

2. Poor health worker (HW) preservice education

3. Lack of HW access to evidence-based guidelines, continuing education, and continuing professional development

4. Insufficient and inequitable distribution of HWs and heavy workload

5. Poor retention, absenteeism, and rotation of experienced staff

6. Poor work environment, including low salary

7. Limited and poor supervision

8. Low morale, motivation, and attitude, and job dissatisfaction

9. Weaknesses of policy, regulations, management, leadership, governance, and funding

10. Structural and contextual barriers

I invite those of you who are working to improve newborn care to commmnt on the challenges to maintain quality in your setting. In what ways could the health system be doing more, or differently, to support quality newborn care?

On HIFA and CHIFA we are exploring the role of the national, district and facility levels in supporting quality care:


Best wishes, Neil

Let's build a future where children are no longer dying for lack of healthcare information - Join CHIFA (Child Healthcare Information For All): http://www.hifa.org/forums/chifa-child-health-and-rights

CHIFA profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh is the coordinator of the HIFA campaign (Healthcare Information For All) and assistant moderator of the CHIFA forum. Twitter: @hifa_org FB: facebook.com/HIFAdotORG neil@hifa.org