Dear HIFA colleagues and friends,
Maternal mental health considerations are globally becoming part of public health considerations. With 1 out of 5 women likely to develop a mental health condition during pregnancy, women and pregnant mothers in Africa are exposed to several risk factors that could affect their mental health even the more.
The International Conference on Maternal Mental Health in Africa is going to be held from the 3rd-5th December gathering participants from the Africa and the world to discuss about the future of maternal mental health in Africa.
For more information about the conference
The HIFA is part of this event.
Best regards
Didier Demassosso
HIFA country representative coordinator WHO Afro
HIFA profile: Didier Demassosso is a mental health practitioner, Consultant (WHO , MoPH Cameroon...), Mental health advocate , Youth advocate with 10 years experience in mental health development in Cameroon. He is also a health communicator and educationist. HIFA Country Representative For Cameroon/ HIFA Country Representative of the year 2014 / Regional Coordinator for Africa. He also currently volunteers for the Mental Health Innovation Network Africa as Knowledge Exchange Assistant.