HLG Presents the 2024 Bishop and LeFanu Memorial Lecture, speaker Dr Maria J Grant, Wednesday 20th November 12.30-1.30, online

6 November, 2024

The Health Libraries Group are very pleased to announce that this year’s Bishop and LeFanu Memorial Lecture will now take place online on Wednesday 20th November from 12.30pm -1.30pm.

We are delighted that this year’s lecture will be delivered by Dr Maria J Grant, Editor-in-Chief of the Health Information and Libraries Journal.

In this year’s lecture Maria will explore the topic of Writing with Purpose! She will present a holistic account of how writing for publication can be understood, and articulate the things we can do to support and enable our writing success.

Dr Maria J Grant is a freelance trainer, coach and mentor specialising in sharing professional practice through the written word, and in the acquisition of research knowledge and practice. She has a background in information science and has been Editor-in-Chief of the CILIP HLG’s Health Information and Libraries Journal<https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14711842> since 2009.

This lecture was originally scheduled to take place at this year’s HLG conference in June and we are delighted to announce this rescheduled opportunity to hear Maria’s speech.

For more information on the Bishop and Lefanu Memorial Lecture please see here<https://www.cilip.org.uk/members/group_content_view.asp?group=200697&id=...

To book your place please visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hlg-presents-the-bishop-and-lefanu-lectur...

Potenza Atiogbe​

HLG Communications Officer

CILIP Health Libraries Group (HLG) is a UK based network of individuals working in or professionally interested in health and social care information. Our strength is our diverse and active membership covering all health and social sectors, and geographical areas in the UK. Members work for the health service, the academic sector, the independent sector, government departments, professional associations, charities and public libraries. Students with an interest in health and social care information are also welcome. Several HLG members live and work abroad.

Website: www.cilip.org.uk/hlg

Email: hlg@cilip.org.uk

Twitter: @ciliphlg

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cilip.hlg.9


HIFA profile: Potenza Atiogbe is Library Services Manager at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK. She is also the Marketing and Communications Lead for CILIP Health Libraries Group. potenza.atiogbe AT nhs.net