Neil, in 2019, I presented the following at the Bangladesh CHW Symposium:
[hifa] HIFA at the Frontline Health TAG Meeting 2019 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Joseph Ana, Nigeria via HIFA Forums
Fri, 22 Nov 2019 at 11:34
Dear All,
Greetings from Dhaka Bangladesh. First attended theTechnical Advisory Group meeting of the Frontline Health (FLH) Project. In attendance were the Team from the secretariat of Population Council that runs The FLH, in Washington DC led by Charlotte Warren. Development Partners were also present including USAID, BMGF, Last Mile Health, WHO, and UNICEF). Country Teams from where FLH is operating and intervening (Bangladesh, Kenya, Haiti, Uganda, Liberia, DRCongo) were present too. Those of us who travelled across continents and time zones were jet lagged but the meeting was so engaging and exciting that it did not matter. I did not see anyone wink throughout the meeting from 8.30am to 5.30pm on November 20, 2019.
The programme was packed with very interesting and educating topics:
'Overview of FLH since the last TAG in 2018 (Ben Bellows, Pop Council's FLH)'; 'Overview of Community Health Investment (Naso Kureshy,USAID)'; '-Overview of Last Mile Health since last TAG in 2018 in Liberia and DRC (Kyle Muther, LMH)'; 'Operations research and programming to strengthen community health: what are the challenges and opportunites - preferred and feasible CHW incentive packages in four countries ( Smisha Agrawal, J HBoomberg Sch of Public Health); 'community health programming and strategy in Bangladesh); 'Quality of MNCH and community health in Kenya ( Lilian Otiso, LVCT); 'Feasibility of integrating digital reporting of community level data into DHIS2 in Mali ( Timothy Abuya)'; 'Designing a CH learning lab in Uganda (Richard Kitu Pathfinder)'; 'Community health in humanitarian settings in Haiti (Alain Casseis and Zanmi Lasante)'; 'moderator: Pooja Sripad, POP Council. The presentations was followed by discussions and small group work and plenary led by Last Mile Health.
After Lunch, a panel discussion followed, moderated by Charlotte Warren. The Panelist answered targeted questions, and the audience discussed each topic. The Panel comprised: Joseph Ana (HIFA) presented on the topic, 'What is the role of global networks such as HIFA in monitoring, evaluating, and implementing community health programs?'. The other panellists were Stembile Mugore (Intra Health); Catherine Kane (WHO) on the WHO CHW Guideline; Rory Nefdt (UNICEF); Madeline Ballard (Community Health Impact Coalition (CHIC). The closing remarks was delivered by Savitha Subramanian (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).
The highlights included that I informed the meeting was informed that Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh (co-HIFA Representative on the FLH TAG) was unavoidably absent but sent best wishes for the meeting and Population Council's Frontline Health programme as a whole. My presentation about HIFA was well received and participants noted the Key Message that Global Health Networks like HIFA need to be used to close the Information and Implementation of research Gaps, going forward. Dr Ben Bellows announced that the journal publication of the Metrics Monitoring Framework Tool that TAG members including HIFA Reps drafted at the 2018 meeting in Washington and was followed by editing and completion (virtually) was imminent while we are in Dhaka this week for the 2nd Global CHW Symposium. He particularly recalled and appreciated the critique of the Metrics framework that HIFA submitted through Neil.
Below, I share the exciting announcement of the anticipated publication of the Frontline Health Metrics :
'Hi Joseph, Your suggestion this afternoon to post the FLHCHW performance metrics is incredibly timely. The paper was just published this morning and available here: Click on the url and be amongst the first to see this unique work for monitoring CHW:
Joseph Ana.-----------------------------
HIFA Profile: Joseph Ana is the Lead Senior Fellow/Medical Consultant at the Centre for Clinical Governance Research and Patient Safety (CCGR&PS) with Headquarters in Calabar, Nigeria, established by HRI Global (former HRIWA). He is the Country Coordinator for PACK Nigeria (Practical Approach to Care Kit) which is specifically designed to improve clinical competence (improving accuracy of diagnosis and treatment) in primary health care. He is also a Member of the World Health Organisation’s Technical Advisory Group on Integrated Care in primary, emergency, operative, and critical care (TAG-IC2). As the Cross River State Commissioner for Health (2004-2008), Joseph Ana led the introduction of the evidence based, homegrown quality tool, the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme (12-PCGP) in Nigeria, which also suitable for lower-, low-, and middle income countries (LLMIC) with similar weak health sector and system. To ensure sustainability of 12-PCGP, the ‘Department of Clinical Governance, Servicom & e-health’ was established in Cross River State Ministry of Health in 2007. His main interest is in ‘Whole health sector and system strengthening in LLMICs’. He has written six books on the 12-Pillar Clinical Governance Programme, including the TOOLS manual for its Implementation, currently in its 2nd Edition. He served as Chairman of the Nigerian Medical Association’s Standing Committee on Clinical Governance (2012-2022), and he won the Association’s ‘Award of Excellence’ on three consecutive occasions for the innovation of 12-PCGP in Nigeria. He served as Chairman, Quality & Performance subcommittee of the Technical Working Group for the implementation of the Nigeria Health Act 2014. He was Member, National Tertiary Health Institutions Standards Committee (NTISC) of the Federal Ministry of Health, 2017-2022. He is the pioneer Secretary General/Trustee-Director of the Charity, NMF (Nigerian Medical Forum UK) which took the BMJ to West Africa in 1995. Joseph is a member of the HIFA Steering Group; the HIFA working group on Community Health Workers, and the Working Group on HIFA-WHO Collaboration ( Email: info AT and jneana AT