Global Health Now: The Taliban Pivots on Polio (3)

14 December, 2023

Hello Neil,

In answer to your question about Nigeria and the polio situation, [*see note below]

‘On 25 August 2020, Nigeria became last country in Africa to be certified free from wild polio, after the continent’s last case was reported inBorno, north-eastern Nigeria four years ago’ › pmc › articles Last fight of wild polio in Africa: Nigeria’s battle - PMC

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But as with the rest of Africa, the challenge remains vaccine-related polio infection since Wild Polio was eliminated -

‘Mar20, 2023 · Polio cases in Africa linkedto new oral vaccine Improved vaccine is not reaching enough children 20 Mar 2023 1:25 PM ET By Leslie Roberts Achild in Nigeria receives novel oral: ‘ › content › article Polio cases in Africa linked to new oral vaccine - Science. Joseph Ana

Prof Joseph Ana

Lead Senior Fellow/ medicalconsultant.

Center for Clinical Governance Research &

Patient Safety (ACCGR&PS) @ HRI GLOBAL

P: +234 (0) 8063600642


8 Amaku Street, State Housing, Calabar,Nigeria.

[*Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): Thanks Joseph, please do you have any information on the security situation for polio vaccine workers in northern Nigeria? I have an encouraging 2022 news item from UNICEF which describes positive change. Emir Musa says: "My experience as a health worker greatly influenced my advocacy for health care in our community. I used to administer Polio vaccines to children in the community while serving as a public health officer. Now as a traditional leader, I’m able to dispel myths about polio vaccination when misinformation is spread.” If religious authorities in northern Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan are now backing vaccination, this is progress indeed that will save many lives, as well as protecting vaccine workers from being murdered.]