Evidence Aid Newsletter March 2022

21 March, 2022

Hello everyone,

Welcome to this March 2022 newsletter from Evidence Aid. Please forward it to anyone who might be interested. If they would like to receive these newsletters directly, they should contact info@evidenceaid.org.


In response to the war in the Ukraine, we have now focused our efforts on preparing summaries for reviews to add to our Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers collection. https://tinyurl.com/HealthOfRefugees However, without funding, the work we can do on this is very limited. We are grateful to those who have donated already but we need at least £40,000 to enhance and grow this existing collection and up to £100,000 to develop and maintain a new collection of summaries that would be relevant for the physical and mental health consequences of exposure to mass trauma. More information on donating to Evidence Aid is available on our donate page.

Evidence summaries

Three of our recently added summaries cover:

Barriers and facilitators affecting care for migrant people living with HIV in OECD countries https://tinyurl.com/careformigrant

This review found that migrants living with HIV face barriers to care regardless of their host country, ethnic and geographic origins, or legal status. Most barriers were associated with individual and organizational factors and centered around retention in HIV care and treatment and the most common were fear, competing priorities, language issues and inadequate clinical environments. The most common facilitators were an adaptive clinical environment, sufficient social supports and positive attitudes and traits.

(The full summary is in our Health of Refugees and Asylum Seekers collection) https://tinyurl.com/SeekersCollection

An overview of reviews of public health interventions and infectious diseases amongst children in low- and middle-income countries https://tinyurl.com/overviewofreviews

This overview found that communication, education and social mobilization for specific preventive services or tools, such as immunization or bed nets are effective for improving child health across the whole population, as well as for the most disadvantaged. The effects for other interventions were unclear, unknown, or detrimental, either at the overall population level or in groups faced by health inequality.

(The full summary is in our COVID-19 collection https://tinyurl.com/CovidCollectionEA and Resilient Health Systems collection https://tinyurl.com/ResilientHealthSystems)

Health impact and risk factors affecting women in south and southeast Asia following disasters caused by natural hazards https://tinyurl.com/riskfactorshazard

This review found high incidences of pelvic fractures and inflammation among women after earthquakes, leading to loss of mobility, dependence on others and poorer quality of life. Post-disaster mental health was poorer in women who had no formal education, lived in poverty, had poor physical health or suffered from physical injuries, and whose family members died during the disaster. Post-traumatic symptoms were generally worse for those with physical injury and those whose family members died during the disaster.

(The full summary is in our Earthquakes collection https://tinyurl.com/Earthquakecollection)

What else?

We are pleased to welcome our new Administrative Assistant, Mark Gavin to the Evidence Aid team. Mark is working with us part-time and his interests, outside of Evidence Aid, are in video editing and gaming.

We launched the new Resilient Health Systems collection https://tinyurl.com/ResilientHealthSystems in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization on 22 February 2022. You can watch the launch event here https://tinyurl.com/pahoevent and we look forward to working with PAHO on the further development of this collection.

The second phase of our work with the WHO Kobe Centre to support the creation of a Knowledge Hub for health emergency and disaster risk management is under discussion. This would focus on improved communication and dissemination of the content of the WHO Guidance on Research Methods for Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management. https://tinyurl.com/WHOGuidanceEA The first phase of this project has already led to the addition of short summaries of chapters and their further readings, audio podcasts, slideshows, and videos, all of which can be accessed from the website.

If you would like to embed our evidence collections in your own website, click the ‘Embed on your website’ button which is at the bottom of all the EvidenceAid.org webpages.

Social media

We promote our summaries and the work of Evidence Aid generally through Twitter (@Evidence Aid), Facebook (Evidence Aid - page and group) and Instagram (evidenceaid). Please follow us and share the posts.


Our volunteers provide us with a huge amount of support and contribute to searching, screening and downloading reviews, preparing and writing summaries, providing web support and advising on translations. Their support is vital to our work, and anyone interested in becoming a volunteer for Evidence Aid should email info@evidenceaid.org.

The Evidence Aid team

Information about the Evidence Aid staff and interns is available on our website.

Mark Gavin, Administrative Assistant

Evidence Aid: Championing evidence-based humanitarian action.

Support our activities by donating here.

Email: info@evidenceaid.org | Website: www.evidenceaid.org | Twitter: @EvidenceAid | Facebook/Instagram: EvidenceAid

Our evidence collections can be found here: https://evidenceaid.org/evidence/