Digital health & climate survey

19 June, 2024

Climate change – or more accurately, the climate and ecological crisis – is the greatest threat to human health. There is scientific consensus that unprecedented climate change is happening, that it is caused by human actions, and that it will have a major impact on human health. The digital health community must become climate conscious – if we don’t, digital health could be part of the problem.

The Digital Health and Climate Group (part of Digital Health & Interoperability Working Group) aims to support the development of digital services to build resilience in the health system in the face of the climate crisis, to minimize the environmental harm of digital health programs and healthcare as a whole, and combine data from meteorology, demography and health informatics to improve care in our changing world.

We want to invite everyone in the digital health community interested in these issues to join us. Please complete our survey so we can learn from your experience and work out how best our group can support positive change. The survey is at

We have a monthly meeting on the last Monday of each month (next is 24 June) at 14h00 UTC. Please pass the link to this survey on to anyone you know who may be interested.

Best wishes,

(Co-chairs of the digital health & climate group)

Peter Benjamin

Matt Hulse

Gabby Samuel

HIFA profile: Peter Benjamin is SA director of HealthEnabled, South Africa. Professional interests: Digital health, mHealth, Empowerment through health information. Email address: peter AT