Dear HIFA colleagues
It is one year since the Norway launch of the Cochrane People, Health Systems and Public Health Thematic Group< To celebrate this, we are organizing a webinar focused on strategies for getting research evidence to users. More information and a registration link is provided below.
Hope you will join us!
HIFA profile: Simon Lewin is a health systems researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (, the South African Medical Research Council ( and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health ( He has a keen interest in how research evidence can be used to inform decisions for health systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and at the global level in multilateral organisations such as the WHO. As Co-Lead of Cochrane People, Health Systems and Public Health, he has played a key role in strengthening Cochrane’s work in the field of health systems and in developing Cochrane methods for qualitative evidence synthesis. Cochrane is a HIFA supporting organisation and Simon is a member of two HIFA working groups: CHWs; and SUPPORT-SYSTEMS - How can decision-making processes for health systems strengthening and universal health coverage be made more inclusive, responsive and accountable? simon.lewin AT
This Cochrane People, Health Systems and Public Health webinar marks one year since the launch of the Thematic Group in Norway. In the webinar, Prof John Lavis (McMaster University, Canada) and Dr Laura Boeira (Instituto Veredas, Brazil) will speak on the work of the Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges<>. We will also have an input from Maria Henningsen (Mid-Norway Health Trust) on the clinical networks that have been established within the Mid-Norway Health Trust, and how these are being used to help ensure that healthcare providers have good access to relevant evidence.
Discussion will focus on what can be learnt from this work to support efforts in Norway and other countries to ensure that users, including healthcare providers, have access to the best available evidence. In addition, we will provide an update on the activities of the Thematic Group.
Date and time: 5 December 2024, 14.00 to 15.30 CET (Norway time)
You can register here <>.
John Lavis is a Canada Research Chair in Evidence-Support Systems at Macmaster University where he directs the McMaster Health Forum. John supports policymakers and stakeholders to harness research evidence, citizen values and stakeholder insights to strengthen health and social systems and get the right programs, services and products to the people who need them. He is Co-Lead of the Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges, the COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-making (COVID-END), and Rapid-Improvement Support and Exchange (RISE).
Laura Boeira is the executive director of Instituto Veredas in Brazil, where she facilitates evidence use in decision-making processes. She is also one of the co-directors of the Latin American and the Caribbean Evidence Hub and a proud member of the Brazilian Coalition for Evidence. In this webinar, Laura will talk on 'Mapping and supporting domestic evidence-support systems: lessons from the LAC region'.
Maria Henningsen is a Senior Adviser for patient safety and quality in Helse Midt-Norge RHF (Mid-Norway Health Trust), Trondheim. She has a Masters from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and has worked for several Norwegian government departments.