Cancer Awareness & Detection camps for women

3 February, 2025

Dear All

Indeed it was a privilege to attend the webinar on 30 January 2025. The webinar is very useful for our work in India. [*see note 1 below]

In India Breast and Cervical cancer patients are highest in the world in Low Middle Income Group Women

It will be our pleasure to engage with HIFA Projects.

Our Institute is working under the 'Peace Through Health' project "Cancer Awareness and Detection Camps for Low Middle Income Group Women". Our Institute's Secretary General Dr Nalini Kurvey is MD (Gynaecologist & Obstetrician) and for the last 45 years she runs her Maternity & Nursing Home in Nagpur, India. She is also Vice-President of Association of Medical Women in India, Some time I help her in hospital administration

It has come to our notice that women from Low Middle Income group women visit doctors in the 2nd or 3rd state of Cancer and it is difficult to save the patients. In our limited capacity, we are arranging Awareness and detention camps. We like to reach maximum women.

We are eager to reach out to 4500 women in 3 years. We will arrange camps in their locality and villages. under Peace Through Health Project.

If HIFA can guide us we will join the HIFA project. Please give me some advice.

Dr Balkrishna Kurvey


Indian Institute for Peace Disarmament & Environmental Protection

HIFA profile: Balkrishna Kurvey is President of the Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament & Environmental Protection, Nagpur, India. Balkrishna is working for peace, human rights, disarmament, environmental protection as well as public education and awareness for cancer as well as other diseases with Association of Medical Women in India and many medical fraternity. We are involving medical fraternity in many issues in India.

[*Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): Thank you for participating in the webinar on Thursday. It was good to learn more about your work. Balkrishna refers to our second webinar for HIFA Supporting Organisations which looked at the theme of 'How you can engage with HIFA Projects to achieve your goals in 2025', held on 30 January 2025. Extacts will be available shortly on the HIFA YouTube channel. We have 400 SOs listed here: If your organisation supports the goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information, please join us (without financial obligation).]