Call for stories: Share your experiences around contraceptive-induced menstrual changes!

28 November, 2024

Dear colleagues,

Knowledge SUCCESS has just launched a storytelling campaign <> to raise awareness about contraceptive-induced menstrual changes. We are looking for experiences (both positive and negative) from individuals who menstruate or have menstruated, who are 18 years or older and are from or currently residing in a country that receives family planning/reproductive health funding (FP/RH) from USAID <>. Please help us promote this opportunity by passing it along to individuals that qualify.

See email announcement below for more details.



Sophie Weiner

Program Officer II, Knowledge SUCCESS

HIFA profile: Sophie Weiner is a Program Officer II with the Johns Hopkins' Knowledge SUCCESS in the USA. sophie.weiner AT

Subject: Call for stories: Share your experiences around contraceptive-induced menstrual changes!

We're launching a global storytelling campaign to bring much-needed attention to this topic.

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[*Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): The original message included graphics and embedded links that are not carried by HIFA. I have created the above short URL to access full details]