Becoming a Phronimos: Evidence-Based Medicine, Clinical Decision Making, and the Role of Practical Wisdom in Primary Care (5)

22 August, 2023

Thank you Neil for sharing this paper. [ ]

The paper is there to remind us that Medicine is both a science and an art. The scientific aspect of medicine has recently overwhelmed the practice of the profession. Practical wisdom is there, necessary and will ever be needed.

It is not only for primary care but at all levels of care.

A nice paper for continuous medical education.


Dr. Armand S. NKWESCHEU,MD,MPH. Epidemiologist & Public Health Consultant - Cameroon Society of Epidemiology- CaSE ;Yaounde, Cameroon.

IEA - Regional Councilor for Africa

President of AfEA-2021-2024 ( )

"You cannot win a race focusing on the distance covered but on what lies ahead"

HIFA profile: Armand Seraphin Nkwescheu is a Public Health Consultant at the Cameroon Society of Epidemiology. Professional interests: Road traffic injury, Neglected Tropical Diseases with emphasis on snakebites and envenoming, Non communicable Diseases, Health systems and Development Evaluation. nkwesch AT