Dear HIFA members,
The Association for Health Information and LIbraries in Africa (AHILA) is inviting to their 18th conference in Lusaka from 30th September – 4th October 2025.
Main Theme : Innovative digital technologies for universal access to health information
Sub Themes:
• Artificial intelligence and health information
• Open Access and health information
• Digital information and information equity
• Digital information in health emergencies
• Health information literacy and digital divide
• Innovative health information libraries and information centres
• Health information policy and advocacy
• Universal health information access and the SDGs
The Conference and program chairs invite those working in these and other related areas to submit original research papers for review Call for papers, posters, workshops and tutorials is open.
Best regards
Elin Opheim
Academic Librarian
University library, Campus Elverum
Tel: +47 62 43 02 11
Project manager NIAGARA
University of Inland Norway
HIFA profile: Elin Opheim is a Librarian at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Professional interests: Health literacy, evidence-based practice, Health care information, shared decision making. elin.opheim AT