Oxford PharmaGenesis sponsors global HIFA-WHO consultation to promote reliable healthcare information
The text below is from a news item on the website of Oxford Pharmagenesis. Read in full here: https://www.pharmagenesis.com/news-and-events/hifa-who-consultation-sponsorship
Oxford PharmaGenesis is proud to sponsor a global consultation, run by Healthcare Information For All (HIFA) in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), to accelerate progress towards universal access to reliable healthcare information.
Every day, tens of thousands of children and adults die needlessly for want of simple, low-cost interventions, which are often locally available but not provided in time. A major contributing factor is that the parent, carer or healthcare worker does not have access to the information they need, when they need it, to take appropriate action.
In response, HIFA, a global social movement to improve the availability and use of reliable healthcare information and protect people from misinformation, is collaborating with the WHO on a global consultation. HIFA is administered by Global Healthcare Information Network CIC, a UK-based non-profit in official relations with the WHO since 2022.
The consultation aims to demonstrate public support for the goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information, and to inform action by the WHO and partners in 2024 and beyond...
'Founded in 1998, Oxford PharmaGenesis is an award-winning, independent, global HealthScience consultancy providing communications services to the healthcare industry, professional societies and patient groups. We take clients to new places with a range of transformative services to help bring evidence based treatment to patients in areas of unmet medical need. Our team uses innovative approaches, such as AI and data science, to explore new frontiers in strategic medical communications, publications, patient engagement, e-learning and value demonstration. If you’re ready to explore new frontiers, Oxford PharmaGenesis is ready to help.' Website: https://www.pharmagenesis.com/ https://www.hifa.org/support/supporting-organisations/oxford-pharmagenesis
HIFA is hugely grateful for Oxford Pharmagenesis's support and looks forward to continue collaboration in 2024.
Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator