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SO non-financial

Institute of Child Health, Benin University

The Institute of Child Health (ICH) is a centre for child health research, training and provision of child health services. It came into existence in 1972 as the fourth unit (after the faculties of sciences, engineering and medicine and pharmacy) in the then Institute of Technology now University of Benin. Currently it is one of the components of the College of Medical Sciences; the others being the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry and the School of Basic Medical Sciences.


Benin City

Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research (IJBAMR)

Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research (IJBAMR) is quarterly publishing internationally indexed speciality scientific journal publishing from Indian subcontinent as official Publication of Association of Medical Researchers of India ( AMRI) , India. IJBAMR is an open access peer reviewed Biomedical journal available online as well as in print Version.


New Delhi

Indian Institute of Public Health

The Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH) Hyderabad commenced its activities on July 1, 2008, with a mission to deliver public health education, pursue research and advocacy and support policy development. It lays strong emphasis on pursuing public health policy, practice, training and research, positioning its programmes according to the public health priorities of the state and the nation. The institute has brought together a highly qualified and diverse faculty, of nationally and internationally trained and extremely motivated public health academics and practitioners.



INCLEN Trust (International Clinical Epidemiology Network)

INCLEN is a unique international network of healthcare professionals (clinical epidemiologists, biostatisticians, health social scientists, and other health professionals) who apply multidisciplinary approaches to identify best practices to improve “health for all” in local, national, regional and global settings. INCLEN achieves this by using the network to conduct collaborative, inter-disciplinary research on high-priority health problems, and to train future generations of leaders in health-care research.


New Delhi

Insight Medical Publishing (iMedPub)

Insight Medical Publishing is entirely committed to provide the most accurate and innovative source of online learning, transforming and advancing science, health and technology. "For science to function effectively, and for society to reap full benefits from scientific endeavors, it is crucial that science data be made open." Thus, we work on the open-access, author- pay model and provide peer-reviewed content with the support of lead researchers and thinkers in the cadre.


United Kingdom

International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) - Palestine

IFMSA-Palestine is the Palestinian medical students association, the Palestinian branch of the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students Association), we are a network of motivated medical & healthcare students active in curriculum issues, community projects,international exchanges, campaigns & conferences we help students to raise awareness of and take action on humanitarian and global health issues & to work and to think globally with our colleagues all over the world, having more experiences inside and outside Palestine, with local and international projects targeted


Palestinian Territory


icddr,b is a leading public health research institution based in Bangladesh. Our expertise and proximity to the health challenges associated with urban and rural poverty, allows for cutting-edge research that is relevant, rigorously tested and scalable in resource-limited settings.



Centre for Global Equality

Centre for Global Equality formerly The Humanitarian Centre is an innovative international development network that enables the discovery of new ways of tackling some of the most complex and intractable aspects of global poverty. It does this by creating unique cross-fertilisations between Cambridge’s world-class academic minds and the region’s dynamic development practitioners working on the ground.


United Kingdom

Human Health Project

Human Health Project (HHP) provides a non-commercial and free forum for patients anywhere to connect and build community while supporting each other. Since 2006, our mission is to provide a free, non-commercial, online peer-to-peer resource that empowers individuals, communities and global underserved populations to better manage their health through sharing of health experiences, information, and support. HHP strives to grade evidence-based outcomes from its community in order to give back new insights and enhance care.


Los Angeles
United States

Holistic Healthcare and Research Organisation (HHCRO)

The Holistic Health Care & Research Organization (HHCRO) is established by Prof. Dr. Sharique Zafar, founder and President of organization, who belongs to a well known and respected family of Peerzadas of Ambehta in Saharanpur district of northern India. This family descends from Hazrat Shah Abul Ma’ali (1552–1615), a great spiritual Sufi saint of that time.




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