World Breastfeeding Week 2020 - starts 1 August Advocacy on formula advertising(10)

5 August, 2020

Dear CHIFA members,

I have seen that in many countries the way Nestle markets itself (other BMS companies too), give the impression that they are providing an excellent service. They are doing 'research', they are 'supporting mothers with advice lines', they give formula free to those that need it, they provide 'trainings' for staff along with lunches and gifts, doing all the things that cost a lot of money - money that breastfeeding promotion does not have!

So in many lands they are 'heroes'.

What we need is to educate about the code. So many health professionals do not even know that it exists and that is not their fault.

Let's focus on educating them on the Code and providing them with skills to support breastfeeding mothers.


CHIFA Profile : Janet Prince is Head of Relationship Management at the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation in Switzerland. Professional interests: Breastfeeding, IYCF, Emergency/crisis situations. email: