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On October 7th, 2023, an unprecedented number of older persons, predominantly women, were abducted from their homes in Southern Israel and taken hostage to Gaza by armed Hamas terrorists.
This first-ever incident of terrorists kidnapping elderly individuals, most over 70 years old, from their homes and beds highlights the unique vulnerabilities and experiences of older persons in hostage situations.
It underscores the critical need for the international community to take urgent, coordinated action to prevent such atrocities and ensure the protection of older persons' rights.
This crime violates the fundamental human rights and dignity of the elderly, subjecting them to physical and psychological trauma, denial of essential healthcare access, and social isolation from families and communities. Taking elderly hostages warrants in-depth research, investigation, and learning to urgently inform the UN's Ageing agenda.
This invite is for the global community working towards a Convention on the Rights of Older Persons to learn, support and engage in this critical dialogue.
Dr. Inon Schenker, PhD MPH
Global Public Health Specialist
HIFA profile: Inon Schenker is a Global Health Consultant and Senior HIV/AIDS Prevention Specialist, OAC and Jerusalem AIDS Project, Israel. He is researching and practicing global health leadership is three areas: Firstly, through teaching future generations of public health practitioners at the International MPH Program of Hebrew University-Hadassah in Jerusalem, Israel; at IHP 2011 and in capacity as Director of Geneva Seminar of Health and Globalization. Secondly, a founder of Operation Abraham Collaborative (OAC), a program supporting male circumcision for HIV prevention in Africa. Thirdly, as a senior consultant to U.N. agencies, governments and private sector in his fields of expertise. He is often engaged as a speaker and communicator on multi-cultural global health issues.
inon_schenker AT