HIFA-PT colleagues,
If WHO is aiming to get at least 100k responses from 100 countries, especially LMICs, it might be useful to have the website and survey translated into Portuguese (and maybe Hindi), as I am guessing Spanish, French and Mandarin versions could easily be made available, since these are UN-official languages, right?
I am happy to support.
Very best regards,
Sharmila Sousa, M.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D.
(Maria Sharmila Alina de Sousa)
<https://twitter.com/sharmilasousa> <http://lattes.cnpq.br/2082920273989070>
HIFA profile: Maria Sharmila Alina De Sousa works with knowledge translation and evidence-informed policy and decision-making at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation School of Governance in Health (Fiocruz Brasilia) for the Ministry of Health of Brazil. She was formerly an intern with HIFA-Porrtuguese and the ePORTUGUESe network at WHO/HQ/Geneva. sharmila.sousa@gmail.com