Child and maternal health in Ethiopia and Uganda

3 May, 2024

Hello everyone,

Malaria Consortium is pleased to share two recent outputs relating to child and maternal health from our work in Ethiopia and Uganda:

Prioritising the pneumonia and diarrhoea agenda in Ethiopia: Strengthening strategies for child survival< (PDF available here<

In Ethiopia, pneumonia and diarrhoea account for 17 percent and eight percent of child deaths, respectively, despite these illnesses being preventable and treatable. This advocacy brief outlines Malaria Consortium's recommendations for strengthening control and case management of these illnesses, with a view to improving child survival. These priority actions have relevance not only for the Ethiopian Ministry of Health, but also for other ministries of health experiencing similar burdens of childhood illness.

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Milestones towards a malaria-free Uganda: Year 1 of Supporting Uganda’s Malaria Reduction and Elimination Strategy< (SUMRES).

In partnership with The AIDS Support Organization (TASO) and Uganda's Ministry of Health, Malaria Consortium is establishing a functional integrated community case management programme in Lango and Acholi in northern Uganda. Through SUMRES, funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, we are delivering key interventions to approximately 2.8 million individuals. This infographic highlights our project achievements from the first year of implementation.


Please do consider sharing within your networks. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, we'd love for you to get in touch!

Many thanks,


Rachel Robinson (she/her)

Senior Communications Officer

Malaria Consortium

244-254 Cambridge Heath Road, London, E2 9DA


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Malaria Consortium improves lives in Africa and Asia through sustainable, evidence-based programmes that combat targeted diseases and promote child and maternal health.

HIFA profile: Rachel Robinson is a Senior Communications Officer at the Malaria Consortium, in the United Kingdom. Email: r.robinson.56 AT