From DOAJ Ambassador Southern Africa & Project Manager Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
AJOL, ASSAf, DOAJ, EIFL, LIBSENSE and UCT initiative for African journal editors and publishers
Calling African open access journal editors and publishers! Joint webinar series run by AJOL, ASSAf, DOAJ, EIFL, LIBSENSE and UCT on Thursdays at 10:00 GMT from February 10th to March 24th in English and French languages:
Webinar 1: DOAJ introduction and overview - Tom Olijhoek and Judith Barnsby (DOAJ) will talk on why it is important to be indexed in DOAJ and how to get indexed, including open access compliance, the journal application process and submission form, DOAJ criteria for inclusion and common reasons for rejection. The first part of the webinar will be offered in English and we will switch to French language in the second part of the webinar.
Date and time: Thursday, 10 Feb at 10:00 GMT (duration: 1.5 hour)
Registration: please register here:
Webinar 2: Open access journals editorial processes and business models - Louise van Heerden, Susan Veldsman (ASSAf) and Susan Murray (AJOL) will talk about editorial processes: peer review, editorial quality, editorial board, routinely screening article submissions for plagiarism and business models. Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS) framework and evaluations will also be presented and discussed. Presentations will be in English with French subtitles.
Date and time: 17 Feb at 10:00 GMT (duration: 1.5 hour)
Registration: please register here:
Webinar 3: Copyright and licensing in open access journals - Tom Olijhoek and Judith Barnsby (DOAJ) will talk about the copyright licensing issues in African applications to DOAJ. Susan Murray (AJOL) will explain and encourage using Creative Commons licenses to avoid these issues. The first part of the webinar will be offered in English and we will switch to French language in the second part of the webinar.
Date and time: 24 Feb at 10:00 GMT (duration: 1.5 hour)
Registration: please register here:
Webinar 4: Open access journals best practices - Ina Smith (ASSAf) and Thomas Mboa (University of Yaoundé II) will talk about Open Access and Archiving policies, DOIs, ORCIDs and other persistent identities, how the journal could comply with I4OC standards for open citations, etc. The first part of the webinar will be offered in English and we will switch to French language in the second part of the webinar.
Date and time: 3 March at 10:00 GMT (duration: 1.5 hour)
Registration: please register here:
Webinar 5: Journal indexing, other publishing platforms related issues with breakouts for OJS, AJOL and SciELO South Africa. Speakers and facilitators: Bessem Aamira (CNUDST), Iryna Kuchma (EIFL), Lena Nyahodza (UCT), Louise van Heerden (ASSAf - SciELO SA), Susan Murray (AJOL) and Ina Smith (ASSAf). Presentations and discussions in English and French languages.
Date and time: 10 March at 10:00 GMT (duration: 1.5 hour)
Registration: please register here:
Webinar 6: Addressing predatory publishing issues - Tom Olijhoek (DOAJ), Susan Veldsman (ASSAf) and African editors will explain how they are implementing strong quality screening policies and workflows. The first part of the webinar will be offered in English and we will switch to French language in the second part of the webinar.
Date and time: 17 March at 10:00 GMT (duration: 1.5 hour)
Registration: please register here:
Webinar 7: New ways to assess the quality of science and scientists and the role of African open access journals - Tom Olijhoek (DOAJ) and Thomas Mboa (University of Yaoundé II) will emphasize current DORA developments to advance practical and robust approaches to research assessment and the role African open access journals play in this process. The first part of the webinar will be offered in English and we will switch to French language in the second part of the webinar.
Date and time: 24 March at 10:00 GMT (duration: 1.5 hour)
Registration: please register here:
Have a great day and a nice weekend!
Best wishes,
Iryna Kuchma
Open Access Programme Manager | Skype: iryna.kuchma
EIFL - Electronic Information for Libraries
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[Forwarded by:] HIFA profiel: Carol Priestley was formerly Director of Network for Information and Digital Access (NIDA) and, previous to that, the founding director of the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP). She has an interest and commitment to access to relevant and timely health information for all. carol.priestley AT