4 December, 2021
From the UHC2030 website: https://www.uhc2030.org/blog-news-events/uhc2030-events/uhc-day-2021-555...
UHC Day is right around the corner!
12.12.21 is #UHCDay
This is our day to advocate for universal health coverage. Everyone, everywhere must have access to health care without risk of financial hardship. And this year theme is: Leave no one’s health behind: Invest in health systems for all.
How will YOU advocate for UHC? Share your plans here and join us for the Virtual Rally on 12.12.21!
Read more: https://www.uhc2030.org/blog-news-events/uhc2030-events/uhc-day-2021-555...
Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator, neil@hifa.org www.hifa.org
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