Listening to Richard Horton and reading his views [] make me assured that there are still people who care about global health. Isolation of a country because one group of people are calling for that for one reason or the other is not helpful. Assuming that Russia is wrong in doing what is doing in the Ukraine (politics is not the business of HIFA), there are scientists in Russia who are totally against this action. Depriving this group from being part of the global community to fight diseases is not acceptable. By the way Richard Horton has been a great advocate of health under occupation in Palestine. He was accused of “bias”, I am not sure if he was accused of anti-Semitism. He was harassed and had to explain himself in front of those who accused him. He can tell the full story, if he wants.
Best regards. Najeeb Al-Shorbaji
HIFA profile: Najeeb Al-Shorbaji recently retired from the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked since 1988 in different capacities. He was most recently Director of the Knowledge, Ethics and Research Department at WHO headquarters, Geneva. Previously he was Coordinator for Knowledge Management and Sharing in EMRO (Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office), Egypt. He is a member of a number of national and international professional societies and associations specialised in information management and health informatics. He has authored over 100 research papers and articles presented in various conferences and published in professional journals. He is a member of the HIFA Steering Group and the HIFA Working Group on Multilingualism.
Email: shorbajin AT