Neil Pakenham-Walsh writes [*see note below]
"The Scholarly Kitchen is a moderated and independent blog aimed to help fulfill this mission by bringing together differing opinions, commentary, and ideas, and presenting them openly."
IMHO a it is a thinly-disguised mouthpiece of the scholarly publishing industry.
"What do you think?"
It's not a problem of "South" vs "North" but a problem that scholarly publishing is dominated by large rent-seeking companies that have for years been fed by library subscriptions and now by library APC funds. The problem is not with the commercial companies. They try to make money. It's legitimate. The problem is with the libraries, and by extension, the funders of libraries, for wasting money on publishers.
Thomas Krichel skype:thomaskrichel
HIFA profile: Thomas Krichel is Founder of the Open Library Society, United States of America. Professional interests: See my homepage at Email address: krichel AT
[*Note from HIFA moderator (Neil PW): In my original message I put the description of Scholarly Kitchen in quote marks to indicate this is how the Scholarly Kitchen website describes itself]