Dear All,
Monday, February 28th is the deadline to apply to the Supporting Provider Behavior Change: An Experiential Learning Workshop.
Applications are open for Breakthrough ACTION’s Supporting Provider Behavior Change Workshop. This virtual experiential learning workshop is an exciting opportunity for individuals to learn more about a new suite of tools for designing, implementing, and evaluating provider behavior change (PBC) initiatives, and directly apply these same tools to their current work with facility-based healthcare providers through a guided process. This workshop is being offered as a free technical assistance opportunity.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have:
* Familiarized themselves with a new suite of tools that support provider behavior change initiatives
* Applied these tools to their work and developed an action plan for ongoing provider behavior change efforts
We invite teams of 3-5 individuals who are currently working together on a provider behavior change initiative with a specific organization (for example, government agency, public or private healthcare facility, local or international NGO) to submit an application to participate as a team in this experiential learning workshop. Selected teams will be notified of their admittance into the workshop in April 2022.
This virtual workshop will take place in May/June 2022, with exact dates and format to be determined in collaboration with selected teams. An essential output from the workshop will be the development of an action plan by each team.
* Full professional proficiency (writing, speaking, reading) in English
* Cohesive team of 3-5 individuals Must be a cohesive existing team based in and engaged in provider behavior change initiatives related to family planning and reproductive health and/or maternal, newborn, and child health Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health in a low- or middle- income country (LMIC) context.
* Demonstrated interest and commitment to applying these tools to provider behavior change engagement initiatives and sharing experiences and lessons learned.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be reviewed and selected based on the following criteria:
* Demonstration of team’s engagement with healthcare providers providing RMNCH services in a low- or middle-income country context.
* Demonstration of a distinct need for a provider engagement initiative to improve quality of care and support positive provider behavior.
* A commitment to apply knowledge gained through the workshop in the design of activities to foster positive provider behavior and provide updates.
Key Dates
February 10, 2022: Application period opening
February 28, 2022: Application period closing
April 8, 2022: Application status notification
Please direct any questions to Heather Hancock at
Breakthrough ACTION is the flagship social and behavior change (SBC) program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Breakthrough ACTION is a partnership led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) in collaboration with Save the Children, ThinkPlace , ideas42, Camber Collective , International Center for Research on Women , and Viamo .
Best regards,
Kendra Davis, MS, MA
Program Specialist
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs