Over the last 12 years years we at Wikipedia have developed more than 2,500 three to four paragraph summaries of key healthcare topics in English for translation into other languages. More than 20,000 translations, with work in more than 150 languages, by more than 3,250 volunteers have occurred.
These translations have been viewed more than 3.7 billion times <https://mdwiki.toolforge.org/prior/index.php> since we began collecting data in 2015. In many languages they represent the only content available online for key topics.
We have recently simplified and relaunched the translation process and would love to have more volunteers join in this effort <https://mdwiki.toolforge.org/Translation_Dashboard/index.php>. Feel free to simply begin or reach out if you have any questions.
James Heilman
MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
HIFA profile: James Heilman is a Wikipedian and works with Wiki Project Med Foundation, a charity whose mission is to make clear, reliable, comprehensive, up-to-date educational resources and information in the biomedical and related social sciences freely available to all people in the language of their choice. He is an Emergency Room Physician in Cranbrook, British Columbia, and a Clinical Instructor at the University of British Columbia. jmh649 AT gmail.com