Piet Reijer, Netherlands
18 October 2022
“Lack of access to healthcare information is lethal” (Dr. Virginia Barbour, Editor-in-Chief, PLoS Medicine, HIFA2015 Conference, May 2011. URL: http://blogs.plos.org/speakingofmedicine/2011/05/12/hifa2015-conference-... ).
Improving the quality of Health Care in LMICs includes improving access to information. Since 2013 MEDBOX- The aid library (www.medbox.org) has made information available to health workers, focussing on LMICs. Currently, over 24,500 documents are included in country boxes and toolboxes. The toolboxes contain practical, up-to-date information on selected topics. This allows users to quickly overview and access different types of documents - from clinical guidelines, community health working papers, information for people with disabilities, and IEC material to policy papers. Currently, 20 TOOLBOXES cover topics on epidemics, disasters, diseases and other aspects: COVID-19, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Pharmacy, Caregiver, Global Health Education, Mental Health, Ebola, Natural Hazards, Conflict Situations, Zika, Tuberculosis (TB), Cholera, HIV, Leprosy, Polio, Rapid Response, Refugee & Migrants, Persons with Disabilities (Disability), Specific Hazards and Social Ethics.
Access to MEDBOX www.medbox.org is free of charge for the user.
Piet Reijer, MD MPH
Member of the MEDBOX Team
[Forwarded by] HIFA profile: Sieglinde Mauder is Librarian at the Medical Mission Institute, Würzburg, Germany. She collects and distributes resources on HIV/AIDS, tropical diseases, humanitarian aid, health service management, e-learning for partners in developing countries. sieglinde.mauder AT medmissio.de