Dear Neil
Unfortunately the Perinatal Education Trust has been closed. All the self-directed training course books and more are now available free on the open access website About 11 000 people access the site monthly from many under resourced countries. I hope they can use the material in their own education projects.
For your interest I have attached a review article on our newborn care course book from 2010 [*]
Prof David Woods (Retired)
Cape Town, South Africa
HIFA profile: Dave Woods is emeritus professor in neonatal medicine at the School of Child and Adolescent Health, University of Cape Town, South Africa. He is Chairman of the Perinatal Education Trust and Eduhealthcare, both not-for-profit non-government organisations that develop appropriate self-help distance learning material for doctors and nurses who care for pregnant women and their children in under-resourced communities. He has 30 years experience as a clinical neonatologist, with particular interests in perinatal care and training of health professionals. He is currently developing paper-based continuing learning material in maternal care, newborn care, childhealth, and care of adults and children with HIV/AIDS. He is also participating in the design and development of wind-up appropriate health technology for poor countries. pepcourse AT
[*Note from HIFA moderator: Thank you David, the Perinatal Education Trust and Eduhealthcare have been an indispensable leader in the provision of reliable information for child healthcare professionals. I cannot access the review article you refer to. If anyone would like to see it, please contact David directly.]