ODESS Conference 2023: Bridging the Healthcare Gap: The Role of AI in LMICs

19 September, 2023

Dear Hifa members,

For your kind information, we, at the Fondation Pierre Fabre, are organising on September 28th our annual digital health conference on the theme "Bridging the Healthcare Gap: The Role of AI in LMICs".

This event will take place in Lavaur (Southern France) and will be streamed live on YouTube, our website (the Global South eHealth Observatory) and our social medias. Attending the event is free, and it will be streamed both in French and English.

Below are some links with the program and all the information if you want to join us online:

* In English:

* On the Observatory Website (ENG): https://www.odess.io/en/conference/conference-2023/

* On LinkedIn (ENG): https://www.linkedin.com/events/7084554013798473729/about/

* On Facebook (ENG): https://www.facebook.com/events/s/bridging-the-healthcare-gap-th/3213647...

* In French:

* Sur le site de l'Observatoire (FR): https://www.odess.io/conference/conference-2023/

* Sur Linkedin (FR): https://www.linkedin.com/events/7084523852126396416/about/

* Sur Facebook (FR): https://facebook.com/events/s/ameliorer-lacces-a-la-sante-au/55837002649...

Feel free to join us and do not hesitate to share with anyone who might be interested!

Kind regards,


Maxime Collin



@ : maxime.collin@fondationpierrefabre.org<mailto:maxime.collin@fondationpierrefabre.org>