New: impact case studies launched

12 July, 2023

Dear colleagues,

Sharing some news from Elrha’s Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises programme (R2HC).

Over the last decade, R2HC has supported more than 100 humanitarian health research studies. Our aim is that evidence we fund influences humanitarian policy and practice and improves health outcomes for people affected by humanitarian crises.  As you know, this is often challenging in reality, and little evidence has been developed on how research impact happens in humanitarian contexts.

Now, ten years on, we are sharing a collection of detailed case studies documenting impacts delivered from research studies and exploring successful strategies and contextual enablers for influencing humanitarian policy, practice, knowledge, and capacity with evidence. 

Explore the case studies

Over the next weeks until 25 August, Elrha will be profiling each of the case studies on our website and social media, evidencing how humanitarian research has led to change. In September, a virtual event will be held to explore the learning from the case studies.

I would be very grateful if you could share in your networks and on social media. For a communications pack, please click here.

I hope you find the case studies interesting, and that you might consider joining us for our virtual event in September.

With kind regards,


Cordelia Lonsdale (she/her)

Senior Research Impact Advisor, Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) programme


Direct line +44 (0) 29 21052547


Address: Phoenix House, 4th Floor, 8 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, UK, CF11 9LJ


Social: @Elrha<> | @the_HIF<> | LinkedIn<>

Elrha is dedicated to improving humanitarian outcomes through partnership, research and innovation. Elrha is a registered charity in England and Wales (1177110), and a registered company in England and Wales (11142219). Elrha, 1 St. John's Lane, London, EC1M 4AR Telephone +44 (0)20 7012 6400 Fax +44 (0)20 7012 6963

HIFA profile: Cordelia Lonsdale is a Research Impact Manager with Elrha in the UK and has a professional interest in research impact, policy influencing, stakeholder engagement, humanitarian crises, humanitarian health research, and in the humanitarian/development nexus. Email address: c.lonsdale AT