Launch of Lancet breastfeeding series, Wed 8th Feb 1230-1400 GMT

7 February, 2023

Apologies for the late notice!

Tomorrow, Wed the 8th Feb, the Lancet will launch its latest breastfeeding series with a live streamed set of talks from 1230 to 1400 GMT as follows -

The series

· Examines individual and collective influences on infant feeding practices,

· Advocates for improved support to women and families, and

· Calls out the marketing practices and political power of the formula milk industry

1230-1400 GMT, 1330-1500 CET

Follow this link -

Tony Waterston

CHIFA profile: Tony Waterston is a retired consultant paediatrician who worked mainly in the community in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. He spent 6 years working in Zambia and Zimbabwe and directed the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Diploma in Palestinian Child Health teaching programme in the occupied Palestinian territories. He was an Editor of the Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and is on the Executive Committee of the International Society for Social Pediatrics. His academic interests are child poverty, advocacy for child health and children's rights. He is currently the lead moderator of CHIFA (HIFA's sister forum on child health and rights). He is also a member of the HIFA Steering Group.<><... Tony.Waterston AT