Help Children for Health with a set of health messages on physical activity

11 March, 2022

Hi there

Children for Health is in the process of preparing a set of 10 messages on Physical Activity.

We have been working on this topic with the University of Loughborough's School of Sport and Health Sciences. Two Ph.D. students have helped collect an evidence base and now we have the task of looking at these results and using this and other sources to create10 memorable messages for children aged 10+ to learn and share.

If this is of interest or in your area of expertise, please join a review panel. Our process is usually 4-5 rounds and may include reviewing the artwork.


Clare Hanbury

HIFA profile: Clare Hanbury qualified as a teacher in the UK and began her career teaching 6-13 year old children in schools in Kenya and Hong Kong. For many years, Clare worked for The Child-to-Child Trust based at the University of London's Institute of Education where, alongside Hugh Hawes and Professor David Morley she worked to help embed the Child-to-Child ideas of children's participation in health into government and non-government child health and education programmes in numerous countries. Clare has continued to work to promote these ideas as a freelance adviser and trainer. She has worked in East and Southern Africa, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Yemen. In 2013, Clare founded Children for Health, a British Registered Charity that provides accurate engaging health information for those working or living with children and inspiring them to use fun methods to mobilise children as health activists in their families and communities. Clare is a member of the HIFA Working Group on Information for Citizens, Parents and Children. Email: clare.hanbury AT