Happening Now Conference on Public Health in Africa (#CPHIA2021): Day 1 of CPHIA 2021!

14 December, 2021

Happening Now: Day 1 of CPHIA 2021! [14-16 December]

The time has come: The first International Conference on Public Health in Africa (#CPHIA2021) [https://cphia2021.com/] starts now! Please join us by registering at: https://cphia2021.com

Today, you can expect to hear from the following high-level speakers during the opening ceremony:

H.E Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, President, Democratic Republic of Congo; Chairperson of the African Union

H.E. Paul Kagame, President, Rwanda; AU Champion for Domestic Health Financing

H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa; AU Champion on COVID-19

H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson, Commission of the African Union

Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, Regional Director, World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Africa

Prof. Agnes Binagwaho, Co-Chair, CPHIA 2021; Vice Chancellor and Professor of Pediatrics, University of Global Health Equity

Prof. Senait Fisseha, Co-Chair, CPHIA 2021; Director of Global Programs, The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation

Dr. John Nkengasong, Director, Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC)

The opening ceremony will be followed by our first plenary session on the epidemiology and management of SARS-COV-2, as well as our first set of abstract presentations.

Visit the conference website to see the latest agenda and check your inbox daily for a look at the day ahead. Please be sure to also check out the virtual poster hall and our list of official CPHIA side events.

Join the conversation online with our social media toolkits in English and French.

If you need any assistance to log in, you can contact LIVE support or send an email to cphia.support@confsa.co.za.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Forwarded by HIFA profile: Tatjana Kobb is a primary care physician, researcher in maternal health and health diplomacy at University of Edinburg and Zhejiang University, teaches global health at Northeastern University, is final paper tutor at McGill University International Master of Health Leadership; Healthcare Information for All Country Representative for Qatar and member of the HIFA working group on Information for Citizens, Parents and Children and the HIFA working group on Mobile Healthcare Information for All.