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Five Years of FACE

7 June, 2024

We're celebrating 5 years of centering compassion and ethics in global health

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** Seeing the Faces of Global Health


Updates on our work to focus on the people behind global health statistics.

** Five Years of FACE: The Task Force's Unique Focus on Compassion and Ethics


As The Task Force for Global Health celebrates 40 years of global health impact, the FACE program celebrates its first five years. FACE grew out of a desire at The Task Force to understand and promote the role of compassion and ethics in global health practice.

Today, FACE continues to support The Task Force internally by offering ethics consultation, education through lunch-and-learns and training, and providing “Compassionate Space,” a monthly offering to foster well-being and community among Task Force staff. FACE also manages the independent research review process for all Task Force projects, ensuring the organization upholds the highest standard of ethical practice. Read more > (https://www.taskforce.org/five-years-of-face-the-task-forces-unique-focu...)

** How We Share Stories of Compassionate Care (https://www.taskforce.org/face-how-we-share-stories-of-compassionate-care/)


How does compassion alleviate suffering and promote flourishing in healthcare settings? We sought to answer this question through a Templeton World Charity Foundation-funded project with three initiatives, including our Compassionate Care Storytelling Series.

Revisit Part I and read Part II of the series below to learn about the compassion-driven work of community health services organizations in Bangladesh, India, Israel, Uganda, and Minnesota, USA.

** Compassionate Care: Part I (https://face.shorthandstories.com/compassionate-care/index.html) Compassionate Care: Part II (https://face.shorthandstories.com/compassionate-care-pt-2/index.html)


** Flipping the Script on Compassion in Global Health


Left: Photo by Dipanjan Chatterjee; Right: Photo by Thomas Cole

“Working with compassion is the first step toward someone’s healing. Your mind is at peace so the medicines can work properly.”​

You might expect this comment from a chaplain. Or perhaps a nurse or an idealistic future physician. But this comment came from a Finance and Admin Assistant at Nama Wellness Community Centre (NAWEC), a community health service provider in rural Uganda.

FACE team member Heather Buesseler recently visited with NAWEC and a second organization from Kenya, Safari Doctors. Both are applying human-centered design to strengthen compassionate systems throughout their work. Read more about how these organizations are leading with compassion > (https://www.taskforce.org/face-flipping-the-script-on-compassion-in-glob...)

** Our Featured Projects


We have built out our website to feature more of our projects with partners around the world! Learn more about our work on safety and neglected tropical diseases (https://www.taskforce.org/face-safety-ntds/) , research ethics (https://www.taskforce.org/face-research-ethics/) , and human-centered design (https://www.taskforce.org/face-human-centered-design/) .

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Copyright © 2024 Focus Area for Compassion and Ethics. All rights reserved.

** Focus Area for Compassion and Ethics (https://www.taskforce.org/face/)

The Task Force for Global Health

330 W Ponce de Leon Ave

Decatur, GA 30030