Event: Around the Table With Climate & Health Champions: "Populations & Communities"

31 July, 2023

Around the Table With Climate & Health Champions: "Populations & Communities"

The Around the Table series of events, hosted by NYAM President, Dr. Ann Kurth in conversation with climate and health champions, focuses on and demonstrates the connection between our climate and our health. Our second event, "Populations & Communities", will focus on highlighting the impacts of global heating on structurally marginalized communities – often affected ‘first and worst’; including related population health impacts such as increased levels of illness (e.g. asthma) amongst children, the loss of housing to catastrophic weather, the effect of heat waves on aging populations; and the need to address climate justice as we work towards health equity.

This is a virtual event. Login information with be included in your confirmation email.

The event is free; a donation of $15 is suggested.

Register here - https://www.nyam.org/events/event/around-table-climate-health-champions-...

Peter Murgatroyd (he/him)

Library & Knowledge Services Manager

Library & Knowledge Services/Ko Awatea/Counties Manukau

waea pūkoro: +64 21 945 218 | īmēra: peter.murgatroyd@middlemore.co.nz

Level 1, Ko Awatea Centre, Middlemore Hospital, 100 Hospital Road, Otahuhu | Private Bag 93311 1234, Auckland 1640

Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand


HIFA profile: Peter Murgatroyd is Library and Knowledge Services Manager at Te Whatu Ora Health, in New Zealand. Professional interests: Evidence Informed Decision Making / Knowledge synthesis and dissemination / Community empowerment / Pacific Islands. peter.murgatroyd AT middlemore.co.nz