Do all hospitals have a medical librarian?

16 May, 2019

Dear All,

I am interested to know if hospitals, particularly those in low- and middle-income countries have medical librarians on their staff? I would like to know if humanitarian workers would be able to access medical librarians in the emergency areas where they work.

I hope this wonderful forum can advise me.

With best wishes, from,


Mrs Caroline De Brún, DipLIS, PhD

Knowledge & Evidence Specialist- South West, Thames Valley, and Wessex

Knowledge & Library Services

Public Health England


Tel: 07919112501

Protecting and improving the nation's health and wellbeing, and reducing health inequalities

Library enquiries:

Tel: 020 368 20600

HIFA Profile: Caroline De Brun is an Information Specialist at Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, UK.

Professional interests: health information literacy, information skills, knowledge management, outreach librarianship, patient information. She is a member of the HIFA working group on Libraries and Information Services.

Email: carolinedebrun AT