Absolutely true! Community Health Workers play a significant role in extending health care to hard to reach areas and bridge the health personnel deficit especially in Low and Middle Income Countries.
HIFA profile: Wilson Damien Asibu is the Executive Director for Country Minders for Peoples Development (CMPD) a local Non Governmental Organization in Malawi, also working with the Regional Network for Equity in Health in eastern and southern Africa (EQUINET) and a member of Health Systems Global. We have worked on Participatory Action Research (PAR) in the health systems for quite a number of years, some of which you can get through EQUINET website: www.equinetafrica.org. We have been working on Community Health for over 10 years and currently we have just established the Malawi Network of Community Health Workers, have had our annual workshop last December and came up with a Roadmap for 2020-2023 supported by Accountability Research Centre of the American University. wilasibu AT gmail.com