Dear Colleague,
I am pleased to announce that this year’s BMA Humanitarian Fund has launched today (after a two year hiatus), and to mark World Humanitarian Day.
The BMA Humanitarian Fund provides grants to cover travel and accommodation for individuals and multidisciplinary teams undertaking projects with a sustainable impact on local health in low resource settings. BMA members and non-members are welcome to apply before 5pm on 30 September.
For more information about the Fund, and how to apply, please visit BMA Humanitarian Fund [ ]. You can read more about this year’s launch in our online article.
All the best,
Arthy Hartwell
Head of International Affairs
Professional Policy & Activities
Working hours: Tues - Thurs 08.00-18.00, Fri 08.00-17.00
British Medical Association
T: 020 7383 6063 |M: +447776654681 |E:
BMA House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP
The BMA is a trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors and medical students in the UK.
A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.
HIFA profile: Arthy Hartwell has worked for more than 8 years within global health organisations on issues such as antimicrobial resistance, climate change, biosecurity, and ethical trade. She is currently the Head of International for the British Medical Association. ahartwell AT