Apply to become a HIFA Supporting Organisation

Over 400 health organisations worldwide have declared their support for the HIFA vision:

A world where every person and every health worker has access to the information they need to protect their own health and the health of others.

If your organisation supports the HIFA vision, please join us:

Organisation details
This option raises the visibility of your support and benefits all HIFA forums simultaneously.
Many Supporting Organisations choose to provide a financial contribution. They receive additional benefits including: logo on the HIFA home page, publications and promotional materials; and acknowledgement on the footer of HIFA forum messages (>3,000 messages per year).

Suggested annual contributions (optional):

  • Non-profit organisations: Annual turnover up to £500k ($650k)) = £50 ($65 USD)
  • Non-profit and commercial: Turnover up to £2m ($2.6m) = £250 ($325); T/o up to £5m ($6.5m) = £500 ($650)
  • Turnover more than £5m = £1000 ($1300)

Payment by PayPal
Payment by cheque or bank transfer. Contact us for details

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